Happy Earth Day!

Earth Day Beautiful Waterfall in Stellenbosch South Africa

Let us make the earth cleaner and a more natural place for all to enjoy, for generations to come. 

We can make a difference by adopting eco-friendly habits like these:

Read the labels before you buy: Choose chemical-free home and beauty products. Insist on natural products for the sake of our planet and your health.

Reduce plastic waste: Buy products in recyclable glass bottles. Take reusable bags with you when you go shopping. Say no to plastic.

Support local businesses: Buy from businesses in your area that focus on sustainable and eco-friendly products. Get locally grown food from farmers’ markets. This also reduces the fuel costs of transporting goods from elsewhere. You’re doing your local businesses, yourself, and our earth a favour.

Burn less fuel: Walk and ride your bicycle to your local shops. Share car rides where you can. Save petrol, be kind to our planet.

Go hiking: Take your family and friends to the mountains, the beach, and the veld. Get fit and healthy and appreciate our beautiful earth.

Use less electricity: Don’t tumble dry clothing, let your clothes dry naturally on a clothesline. They will last longer too. Invest in a solar water heater. Save more than 50% on your electricity bill. The solar water heater will pay for itself within 3 to 5 years with the money you save on electricity, and you’re helping our planet by using fewer fossil fuels.

Donate your old clothing to local charities: Clear your cupboards of unwanted and excess items and give them to those who are less fortunate. A good deed goes a long way. The industrial waste from textile factories is major pollutants. Let’s help to reduce pollution by buying fewer fashion items and recycling clothes.

There are so many ways we can help sustain our planet, adopting eco-friendly habits is just one. Please share your tips with us to protect our environment. We’d love to hear from you.

Natural greetings!

Winnie and Barbara

Caring for your health naturally
100% Natural eco-friendly, chemical-free and sustainable products
Made with love and care in Stellenbosch, South Africa.